Creating your own realistic vehicle has never been so easy. Fully functional vehicle creation just takes about 5 minutes only! One click to setup, switch controllers, switch behaviors, customizations.
[V4 Major Update Released!]
The asset has been fully reviewed and improved in many ways to make it better and more efficient. For a full list of updates and changes, please check the release notes at the end of the page.
Upgrading from Realistic Car Controller to Realistic Car Controller Pro is 50% off for a limited time.
Consider upgrading to Realistic Car Controller Pro for more advanced and customizable vehicle physics.
Realistic Car Controller Pro (50% Discount for RCC users)
Realistic Traffic Controller (50% Discount for RCC users)
Check out the addon packages for Realistic Car Controller Pro!
[Leading Features]
- Compatible with Unity 2019.4.40f1, and later versions,
- 12 completely configured vehicle prefabs ready to use,
- Over 10 demo scenes for presenting regular city, enter / exit scenes (FPS/TPS), vehicle selection scenes, damage scenes, photon scenes, and more...
- Input System,
- Photon PUN 2 integration,
- Complete UI management with mobile controllers,
- Record & replay, enter & exit, lighting, multiple camera modes, various behavior modes, customization, damage system, and more...
- Customization system that includes paints, upgrades, modification, spoilers, sirens.
- Ability to use in a very wide range. Can be used on a toy car, or even truck with trailer,
- Animated driver with vehicle, and Skyline models by 3DMaesen,
- Simplified API script to spawn and manage RCC vehicles at runtime with only one line of code.
- Editor scripts,
- Optimized mesh deformation on collisions,
- Variable ground physics,
- Easy to use, and highly customizable,
Creating your own realistic vehicle has never been so easy. Fully functional vehicle creation takes just about 5 minutes! With one click, you can set up, switch controllers, switch behaviors, and customize your vehicle. It's easy to use and highly customizable, with 12 pre-configured vehicle behaviors included. Tested on PC, Mac, Android, and iOS platforms.
Powerful classes allow you to instantiate new vehicles at a given position, customize them, operate them, or switch behaviors with just one line of code!
- Restricted to prefab vehicles?
+ No!
- Forced to mod existing prefab vehicles or just change the model of the prefab to create new vehicles?
+ No!
- Wasting time editing complex curves, hardcoded lines, and values to get fun physics, or dealing with dozens of scripts to modify the package?
+ No!
This is neither a game template nor just an editor extension. You won't be restricted by asset rules. You're buying this asset to create and use new vehicles, not to mod or release a game with existing prefabs.
You can find a tutorial on our "Documentation" page that shows how to set up and configure a realistic vehicle from scratch with any kind of vehicle model.
V4.0 [Major Update]
The asset has been upgraded from V3 to V4. Your old vehicles will still work without issues after the update. Make sure to read the documentation before updating!
[Changes and Improvements]
- Complete overhaul: The project was completely reviewed and improvements were made.
- New Vehicle Model: Added a Muscle car.
- Vehicle Removals: Buggy, Sofie, and Van models removed.
- Customization Overhaul: Easier and more flexible customization system.New Customization category in the RCC_CarControllerV4. You can now add the RCC_Customizer directly to vehicles. Simplified API for customization. Added options like "Show All", "Hide All", "Save", "Load", and "Apply" to the Customizer. New Customization Presets for demo vehicles. Added decals and neon lights for URP. Vehicle customization via a new UI panel in RCC_Canvas.
- Vehicle Shaders: New Realistic Car Body Shader with flakes, rims, and cloud reflection for both Built-in and URP.
- Camera Improvements: Fixed misbehaving orbit rotation in RCC_Camera.
[New Features]
- Quick Vehicle Setup Wizard: Create a new vehicle in less than a minute. Wheel Finder: Automatically finds wheels, no need to manually select. Axis Orientation Check: Warns if the vehicle model has incorrect axis orientation. Layer Check: Ensures RCC prefabs have proper layers even if layer order changes.
- Damage System:Improved damage methods with options to "Save", "Load", and "Restore" damage states.
- Performance and Optimizations: General performance improved by ~24%. Optimized mobile controls and eliminated lag. Improved NOS/boosting effectiveness. Reduced editor lag with optimized scripts. Audio clips normalized and adjusted. Improved and stabilized vehicle handling for a balance between gameplay and realism.
- Photon Managers: RCC Photon Managers and synchronization scripts are now more efficient.
- Other Updates: Low Poly Colliders: Added for all vehicles. URP Upgrade Automation: Lights and cameras automatically configured for URP. Editor Version: Minimum version now 2021.3.2f1. Renamed and organized all assets for clarity.