City Car Driving Simulator

City Car Driving Simulator is an objective (mission) based driving game. Players are able to take a free ride and complete the various objectives such as races, pursuits, checkpoints, and trailblazers. Drift, stunt jumps, and high speeds will bring more score and money. New vehicles can be purchased or existing vehicles can be upgraded with the money earned.

City Car Driving Simulator is an objective (mission) based driving game. Players are able to take a free ride and complete the various objectives such as races, pursuits, checkpoints, and trailblazers. Drift, stunt jumps, and high speeds will bring more score and money. New vehicles can be purchased or existing vehicles can be upgraded with the money earned.
Wanna create your own city car driving game with objectives? Package contains all necessary assets in this one single package! All player vehicles are powered by latest version of Realistic Car Controller Pro.
Latest update V1.50 has been released on 19 July 2024. Compatible with 2022.3.15f1 and later versions. Please read the release notes.
Project is using Universal Render Pipeline. Please update your URP from the Package Manager if you are having dependencies errors about outdated URP version.
[Package Contains]
  • Latest version of Realistic Car Controller Pro,
  • Latest version of Realistic Traffic Controller,
  • 12 player vehicles,
  • 6 traffic vehicles (basic models),
  • 3 levels (1 main, 2 gameplay) with city environment,
  • User friendly editor scripts and editor windows to create & use your own content,
  • Scene managers and observers to guide the developer.
[Leading Editor Features]
  • Tested and ready to deploy on PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, WebGL,
  • Supported mobile and gamepad controllers,
  • Optimized scene environment and traffic vehicles,
  • All managers have been observed by their responsive editor scripts,
  • Clean and commented (detailed comments for each line, method, variable, and property) scripts,
  • Easy to use, highly customizable,
  • Detailed and updated online documentation along with tutorial videos,
  • URP.
[Leading Game Features]
  • Missions (Race, Pursuit, Checkpoint, Trailblazer),
  • FPS, TPS and Top camera modes,
  • Unlockable and purchasable player vehicles,
  • User profile,
  • Upgradable player vehicles (You can edit vehicles, prices, and their upgrades from the editor easily),
  • Score system (drift, stunt jumps, high speed),
  • Scene managers to observe player actions,
  • Vehicle selection menu including customization, upgrade, and purchase,
  • Save & load with PlayerPrefs,
  • Traffic management,
  • Complete UI for main menu and gameplay,
  • Damage & repair,
  • Money can be used to purchase, upgrade, or customize the vehicles,
  • UI animations on buttons and texts (script based),
  • Cops,
  • Minimap.
[Editor Extensions]
  • Managing and observing the overall scene setup with scene view panel.
  • Creating, editing, removing markers, missions, mission start positions with one click,
[Full PDF Documentation]
  • Creating & configurating player vehicles,
  • Creating & configurating traffic vehicles,
  • Creating & configurating levels,
  • Optimization on levels,
  • Configurating main menu, options, UI canvases, score systems, multipliers,
  • Configurating the shared general settings via CCDS_Settings.
  • Soundtracks used in the demos are not included in the package.

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